Best creche / Pre-school in Polokwane

About Local Toddler

At Local Toddler Pre-Primary, we offer a warm, friendly, and nurturing environment where children can explore their creativity and discover something new every day. Each day at our preschool is designed to inspire and engage your child through exciting, hands-on experiences that capture their curiosity and spark their love for learning.

Our mission is to provide a balanced, semi-structured educational program in a safe and supportive space. Our curriculum emphasizes both academic and social growth, laying a strong foundation for each child’s future success. We are dedicated to creating a secure, nurturing environment where every child can thrive and develop to their fullest potential.

We aim to support each child’s growth in every aspect—spiritually, emotionally, cognitively, and physically—helping them build self-confidence and a positive self-image. Our holistic approach ensures that each child feels valued and empowered. We also prioritize collaboration with parents, keeping them informed about our programs and how they benefit their child’s development.

We encourage parents to actively engage in their child’s education to enhance their learning experience and boost their self-esteem.

What we offer :
– Qualified and experienced Teachers
– Stimulating daily program
– Child-centred education and equipment
– Extramural activities
– English spoken classes
– Ages 2 years to 5 years old
– Times: 07h00 to 17h00
– Full day or Half day options are available

Banking Details:
ABSA Acc nr: 4093228877
Current Account
Branch code: 632005
Local Toddler
Reference: Child Name

Terms and Conditions

A copy of your child’s birth certificate and immunization certificate must be submitted to your child’s teacher on / or before the first day the child is attending the Local Toddler Pre-Primary School.

Cancellation Agreement:
Cancellation of a child’s enrolment at the Local Toddler Pre-Primary School can only be done with one month’s notice. All outstanding fees are payable including the last month’s fees. After 30 September; a 3-month notice is required. Children will not be eligible for class placements if the December school fees are not paid on / or before the 1st of December of every school year.

School Quaters:
The school terms of the Local Toddler Pre-Primary School is aligned with the school terms for the public school as provided for by the Department of Education. The school will be closed during public holidays and single school holidays. There are approximately 4 (four) individual school holidays annually. These holidays are usually adjacent to a public holiday weekend. Parents will be informed of these days in advance. Local Toddler closes annually approximately on the 2nd of December and re-opens again in January following public schools. closes every year in early December.

Registration Fees:
Registration fee is payable yearly. Registration fees are payable upon acceptance of an application to secure an enrolment for a toddler. The registration fee is non-refundable, and should the child not be enrolled at the school, the registration of the school fee will be forfeited.

All classes have different arrangements. Please arrange with the specific class teacher before the child’s birthday celebration.

Local Toddler Pre-Primary School provides healthy food 4 (four) times per day and meals are included in the toddler’s school fees.

Local Toddler Pre-Primary School friendly requests that all toddlers stay at home when they are sick. Please inform the teacher in case your child is not coming to school and what their condition is. Children who start feeling unwell at school must be picked up from the school as soon as reasonably possible.

The toddler’s formal educational program starts at 08h00. Kindly try to have your child at school on time. Children must be guarded and guided by their class teacher upon arrival at the school.

Dress Code & Toys
Comfortable clothes and shoes to be worn by your child. Your child may bring his own balls, however, no other personal toys are allowed at school.

Code of Conduct:
Local Toddler Pre-Primary School has a code of conduct and it is available from the office upon request.

Local Toddler Closed Circuit Television:
A CCTV is installed in every class. Recordings are the property of Local toddler and will be kept for 5 (five) days.

Extra-Mural Activities & Educational Services:
Educational services such as labor, speech, and physiotherapy are available by arrangement on-site suitable with the school curriculum.

At Local Toddler security is a very high priority. If any person other than that indicated on the application form comes to pick up a child, a WhatsApp photo must be sent to the class teacher by the person concerned. Local Toddler has an alarm system linked to a response unit, with a panic facility. We want to ensure that your child is safely picked up and dropped off in the morning and afternoon. The child has to be signed in and out at school on the registers in the foyer.

No unfair discrimination will be allowed against anyone on one or more grounds, including race, gender, sex, ethnic and social origin, color, disability, religion, conscience, belief, culture, language etcetera. Although there is no legal obligation to disclose any sub-clinical or chronic health status, Local Toddler will recommend the confidential disclosure of such information, to the principal. This will enable Local Toddler to handle any incident appropriately. This information will be handled with the highest confidentiality by Local Toddler and won’t lead to any form of discrimination. Local Toddler will however have to be granted written permission to disclose such information to parties directly involved in a serious, emergency incident, where the health of your child is relevant and important for the well-being of the other party.

Local Toddler follows a formal curriculum aimed at helping your child reach his / her full potential, and be ready for school. A comprehensive term or progress report is provided to each child, who also points out any specific areas where your child may need extra help.

School Fees:
Please refer to our school fees page. The terms of the school fee payments are also seen as part of these signed Terms and Conditions.

Child Safety:
Local Toddler’s staff and owners do everything within their power to keep your child safe, and tach particular importance to it. There are staff at all times who have emergency and fire-fighting training, should any incident occur; despite good care.